In This Article
  • GraphMetadata
  • GraphMetadataOptions
  • GraphMetadataFlags
  • GraphMetadata

     * Graph metadata defines information about a GraphProperty or GraphCategory.
    export declare class GraphMetadata<V = any> extends GraphObject {
        constructor(options?: GraphMetadataOptions<V>);
         * Gets or sets a descriptive label for the property.
        get label(): string;
        set label(value: string);
         * Gets or sets a description for the property.
        get description(): string;
        set description(value: string);
         * Gets or sets a group for the property.
        get group(): string;
        set group(value: string);
         * Gets or sets the default value for a property. Only used for a GraphMetadata associated with a property.
        get defaultValue(): V | undefined;
        set defaultValue(value: V | undefined);
         * Gets or sets the flags that control the behavior of a property or category.
        get flags(): GraphMetadataFlags;
        set flags(flags: GraphMetadataFlags);
         * Gets a value indicating whether the property can be changed once it is set.
        get isImmutable(): boolean;
         * Gets a value indicating whether the property can be removed.
        get isRemovable(): boolean;
         * Gets a value indicating whether the property can be serialized.
        get isSerializable(): boolean;
         * Gets a value indicating whether the property can be shared.
        get isSharable(): boolean;
         * Creates a copy of the metadata.
        copy(): GraphMetadata<V>;

    See Also


    export interface GraphMetadataOptions<V = any> {
         * A descriptive label for the property.
        label?: string;
         * A description for the property.
        description?: string;
         * A group for the property.
        group?: string;
         * The default value for a graph property. Only used for a GraphMetadata associated with a property.
        defaultValue?: V;
         * Flags that control the behavior of a property or category.
        flags?: GraphMetadataFlags;
         * Properties to define on the metadata object. Only used for a GraphMetadata associated with a category.
        properties?: Iterable<readonly [GraphProperty, any]>;

    See Also


    export declare const enum GraphMetadataFlags {
        None = 0,
        Immutable = 1,
        Removable = 2,
        Sharable = 32,
        Default = Removable | Sharable | Serializable,

    See Also