* Represents a node in the directed graph.
export declare class GraphNode extends GraphObject {
private constructor();
* Gets the graph that this object belongs to.
get owner(): Graph;
* Gets the document schema for this object.
get schema(): GraphSchema;
* The unique identifier for the node.
get id(): GraphNodeIdLike;
* Gets a value indicating whether this node is a container (i.e., has any outgoing containment links).
get isContainer(): boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether this node is contained by another node (i.e., has any incoming containment links).
get isContained(): boolean;
* Gets or sets a descriptive label to associate with this node.
get label(): string | undefined;
set label(label: string | undefined);
* Gets the number of incoming links.
get incomingLinkCount(): number;
* Gets the number of outgoing links.
get outgoingLinkCount(): number;
* Gets the number of both incoming and outgoing links.
get linkCount(): number;
* Creates an iterator for links that have this node as their target.
incomingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
* Returns `true` if the node has at least one incoming link with one of the provided
* categories; otherwise, `false`.
hasIncomingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): boolean;
* Gets an incoming link from a source node to this node, if one exists.
getIncomingLink(source: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNodeIdLike, index?: number): GraphLink | undefined;
* Deletes any incoming links to this node that have any of the provided categories.
* If no categories are provided, all incoming links are deleted.
* @returns The number of links that were deleted.
deleteIncomingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): number;
* Creates an iterator for links that have this node as their source.
outgoingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
* Returns `true` if the node has at least one outgoing link with one of the provided
* categories; otherwise, `false`.
hasOutgoingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): boolean;
* Gets an outgoing link from this node to a target node, if one exists.
getOutgoingLink(target: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNodeIdLike, index?: number): GraphLink | undefined;
* Deletes any outgoing links from this node that have any of the provided categories.
* If no categories are provided, all outgoing links are deleted.
* @returns The number of links that were deleted.
deleteOutgoingLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): number;
* Creates an iterator for links that have this node as either their source or their target.
links(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
* Deletes any links to or from this node that have any of the provided categories.
* If no categories are provided, all links are deleted.
* @returns The number of links that were deleted.
deleteLinks(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): number;
* Removes this node from the graph.
deleteSelf(): boolean;
* Finds the first node related to this node.
* @param searchDirection Either `"source"` to find related links across the incoming links
* of sources, or `"target"` to find related links across the outgoing links of targets.
* @param traversal An object that specifies callbacks used to control how nodes and links
* are traversed and which node should be returned.
firstRelated(searchDirection: "source" | "target", traversal?: GraphNodeTraversal): GraphNode | undefined;
* Creates an iterator for the nodes related to this node.
* @param searchDirection Either `"source"` to find related links across the incoming links
* of sources, or `"target"` to find related links across the outgoing links of targets.
* @param traversal An object that specifies callbacks used to control how nodes and links
* are traversed and which nodes are yielded during iteration.
related(searchDirection: "source" | "target", traversal?: GraphNodeTraversal): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Yields each node that either contains this node (if `searchDirection` is `"source"`), or is
* contained by this node (if `searchDirection` is `"target"`).
relatedContainmentNodes(searchDirection: "source" | "target"): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Creates an iterator for the sources linked to this node.
* @param linkCategories When specified, links must have at least one of the provided categories.
sources(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Creates an iterator for the targets linked to this node.
* @param linkCategories When specified, links must have at least one of the provided categories.
targets(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Yields each node that contains this node
ancestors(): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Yields each node this node contains
descendants(): IterableIterator<GraphNode>;
* Walks all incoming links to this node to determine if there are any circularities.
* @param linkCategory The category of links to traverse.
hasCircularity(...linkCategories: GraphCategory[]): boolean;
* Creates a copy of the node (including its links) with a new id.
copy(newId: GraphNodeIdLike): GraphNode;