In This Article
  • GraphSchemaCollection
  • GraphSchemaCollectionEvents
  • GraphSchemaCollection

     * A collection of child schemas in a schema.
    export declare class GraphSchemaCollection extends BaseCollection<GraphSchema> {
        private constructor();
         * Gets the schema that owns the collection.
        get schema(): GraphSchema;
         * Gets the number of schemas in the collection.
        get size(): number;
         * Creates a subscription for a set of named events.
        subscribe(events: GraphSchemaCollectionEvents): EventSubscription;
         * Determines whether the collection contains the specified schema.
        has(schema: GraphSchema | GraphSchemaNameLike): boolean;
         * Gets the property with the specified name.
        get(name: GraphSchemaNameLike): GraphSchema | undefined;
         * Adds a schema to the collection.
        add(schema: GraphSchema): this;
         * Gets the schema names in the collection.
        keys(): IterableIterator<GraphSchemaNameLike>;
         * Gets the schemas in the collection.
        values(): IterableIterator<GraphSchema>;
         * Gets the schemas in the collection.
        entries(): IterableIterator<[GraphSchemaNameLike, GraphSchema]>;
         * Gets the schemas in the collection.
        [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<GraphSchema>;

    See Also


    export interface GraphSchemaCollectionEvents {
         * An event raised when a schema is added to the collection.
        onAdded?: (schema: GraphSchema) => void;

    See Also