In This Article
  • GraphLinkCollection
  • GraphLinkCollectionEvents
  • GraphLinkCollection

     * A collection of links within a Graph.
    export declare class GraphLinkCollection extends BaseCollection<GraphLink> {
        private constructor();
         * Gets the graph to which this collection belongs.
        get graph(): Graph;
         * Gets the number of links in the collection.
        get size(): number;
         * Creates a subscription for a set of named events.
        subscribe(events: GraphLinkCollectionEvents): EventSubscription;
         * Determines whether the collection contains the specified link.
        has(link: GraphLink): boolean;
         * Gets the link for the provided source and target.
        get(source: GraphNode | GraphNodeIdLike, target: GraphNode | GraphNodeIdLike, index?: number): GraphLink | undefined;
         * Gets the link for the provided source and target. If one is not found, a new link
         * is created.
        getOrCreate(source: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, target: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, index?: number): GraphLink;
         * Gets the link for the provided source and target. If one is not found, a new link
         * is created.
        getOrCreate(source: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, target: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, category: GraphCategory): GraphLink;
         * Adds a link to the collection.
        add(link: GraphLink): this;
         * Removes a link from the collection.
        delete(link: GraphLink): boolean;
         * Removes the link with the specified source, target, and category from the collection.
        delete(sourceId: GraphNodeIdLike, targetId: GraphNodeIdLike, category: GraphCategory): GraphLink | false;
         * Removes all links from the collection.
        clear(): void;
         * Creates an iterator for each link between a source and a target node.
        between(source: GraphNode, target: GraphNode): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for each incoming link to a node.
        to(node: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, ...linkCategories: (GraphCategory | GraphCategoryIdLike)[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for each outgoing link from a node.
        from(node: GraphNodeIdLike | GraphNode, ...linkCategories: (GraphCategory | GraphCategoryIdLike)[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for each link with the specified property key and value.
        byProperty<V>(key: GraphProperty<V>, value: V): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for each link with the specified property key and value.
        byProperty(key: GraphPropertyIdLike | GraphProperty, value: any): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for each link with any of the specified categories.
        byCategory(...linkCategories: (GraphCategory | GraphCategoryIdLike)[]): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for the values in the collection.
        values(): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;
         * Creates an iterator for the values in the collection.
        [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<GraphLink>;

    See Also


    export interface GraphLinkCollectionEvents {
         * An event raised when a link is added to the collection.
        onAdded?: (this: void, link: GraphLink) => void;
         * An event raised when a link is removed from the collection.
        onDeleted?: (this: void, link: GraphLink) => void;

    See Also